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School District of Ypsilanti

MEJC has been provided with detailed responses from the following candidates. Click the Read More button to review their complete questionnaire responses.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

A large goal of mine is greater communication and transparency. I believe it is critical to go into the community, rather than expecting parents, caregivers and families to seek out information about district policies.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

Engaging the community in district decision-making is essential to ensure that we accurately represent and advocate for the interests of students, staff, parents, caregivers, and other community members. In my experience working for a community-driven nonprofit organization, I’ve employed several effective strategies to engage the voices of the community:
- Maintaining clear and regular communication about decision-making timelines, processes, and the impact of community input. This can be achieved through the strategic use of newsletters, social media, and school websites, ensuring that the community is always informed and engaged.
- Offering workshops and information sessions on topics like the budget and policy-making processes empowering community members with the knowledge they need to participate more effectively and make their contributions more impactful.
- Conducting focus groups and listening sessions with diverse groups, including marginalized communities, ensures that all voices are heard and considered.
- Establishing advisory committees or task forces composed of community members allows for ongoing dialogue and collaboration on specific issues or initiatives.
- Creating opportunities for the community to share their opinions through surveys and other feedback mechanisms allows for broad participation and helps gather valuable insights.
As a board member, I would advocate for these methods of engagement and look to supplement them with additional approaches like participatory budgeting and hosting town halls. These efforts ensure that our decision-making is truly reflective of the community’s needs and priorities, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative environment within our district.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

By assuring there is representation of these groups when decisions are being made

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