Magnotte , Molly - Fraser Public Schools
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Brief Intro of Candidate
I am a mom of four in Fraser elementary, middle & high schools who loves to volunteer, foster pups, lift heavy weights with my oldest son, chaos garden & attend School Board meetings. I have worked with kids since I was a teenager & want the best for all Fraser students.
Moms Demand Action Candidate Distinction
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How would you engage and include parents, caregivers, community members and students in decision-making in your district around things like curriculum, budgeting and district policy?
I think that teachers & support staff should have an active role in every board meeting & decision making. I think there should be a student/caregiver committee that should be involved in those decisions as well. I don’t think it should be “just” the board, Superintendent and administrators in charge of decision making
What are your thoughts on school discipline and the way it is exercised in your school district? What are your thoughts on restorative practices?
I think that students who struggle with behavior, their parents need to be consistently held responsible. It is not the job of our school staff to discipline their child while trying to teach upwards of 30 other children. And the well-behaved kids who get in trouble once, get suspended. Everyone needs to be held to the same standards.
As for restorative practices, it does not work unless all of the steps are followed. There is a lack of accountability. It’s more excuses and that will never work. Calm kids down and get them back in class without following all of the steps of restorative practices just leads to the disruptive behavior spreading like a plague.
What are your thoughts on how to improve student mental health
I think our district does a good job on the work/life balance. But I think that Fraser could be better at being proactive with mental health issues. We need more counselors so students can actually speak their minds and be listened to by a trusted adult.
What are your thoughts on ways to improve Black student achievement in your district and in Michigan schools overall?
I think that we need to stop enabling students who are not proficient readers from advancing grades. We have a large amount of Tier 2 & Tier 3 readers in Fraser. Really working with those students to learn to enjoy reading from the youngest of ages, giving them a wide variety of reading material & praising their wins is how we create more confident students.
What are your thoughts on how to ensure that all students and their families, regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, disability, religion, income status, etc., feel safe and included in your district?
I believe we need to offer more clubs and groups outside of athletics so students can feel a part of something. It’s really hard to go through school with a limited social circle.
I think that parents should not be afraid to voice their concerns and actually be HEARD by the School Board, admins & superintendent.
What are your thoughts on how to recruit and retain staff, particularly staff of color, in your district with regard to pay, benefits, and working conditions?
I think we need to take student behavior seriously, at every level. And administrators need to be leaders, not managers. I think that our benefits are good, but could be better when it comes to paid leave & child care options. I think that working conditions are different depending on the building they work in. I think it needs to be the same across the board. And again, if they have an issue, they shouldn’t be afraid to use their voice and be HEARD.